OPL2 'adlib' FM synthesis sound card for the parallel port.
if this is out of stock, have a look at
OPL3LPT instead.
- fully assembled and tested parallel port sound card
- includes the legendary Yamaha OPL2 chip
- includes a headphone amp
Find information on previous edition
DOS game compatibility using the 'adlipt' project : download executables here :
Downloads also available at
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OPL2LPT/OPL3LPT is wired up to the following pins
1: A0 -> /Strobe CTRL-0
2: D0 <-> Data0
3: D1 <-> Data1
4: D2 <-> Data2
5: D3 <-> Data3
6: D4 <-> Data4
7: D5 <-> Data5
8: D6 <-> Data6
9: D7 <-> Data7
16: /WR -> Init CTRL-2
17: A1 -> /Select CTRL-3 (only for opl3lpt)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Get started with the patching tool, using the
DOS GAME Demo Pack
Some videos of previous revision of OPL2LPT :
Here is an article by Vincent Bernat how to use OPL2LPT under linux, and comparison of DOS emulator performances. Here is the video where he compares on different DOS emulators
LPT devices comparison by Retro Erik: